The Evolution of a (Semi) Date Night

Sent Feb 2, 2011 12:56p: Oh hey could you take the steak out of the freezer? I forgot to this morning.
Received Feb 2, 2011 1:17p: I am making something else but do you know where our vegetable oil is?

It started out like any other Wednesday, nothing spectacular about it. Jake was at home enjoying his day off (Wednesdays are his Saturdays). I was at work and my mind was running a million miles an hour with all the things that needed to get done (Wednesdays are my crazy day of the week). Until I remembered I had left the steak in the freezer. Hence the text above that I sent Jake. A simple request, really. But his response caught me off guard. Actually, scratch that. It completely blindsided me. In a good way. (Side note- if you’ve followed my blog at all, you know that I love food. But you also know that I can’t cook to save my life. Let me put it this way: it’s an accomplishment if we don’t have breakfast for dinner.)  So this was a big deal. Jake was cooking dinner for me. Forget the fact that he couldn’t find the vegetable oil. He was cooking. Which meant I didn’t have to. Yep, he had me at “making something else.”

When I stopped at the grocery store on the way home, the Redbox machine by the checkout stared me in the face, daring me to ignore it. Naturally, the wheels in my head started turning. Dinner… plus a movie…equals a date! I was pretty sure I had just come up with a brilliant idea, but I decided to check with Jake for good measure.

Sent Feb 2, 2011 4:18p: Should I get a movie from redbox to watch tonight?
Sent Feb 2, 2011 4:20p: ?????
Sent Feb 2, 2011 4:22p: Too late I'm doing it.

There might not have been candles at dinner. We might not have been all dressed up. And Jake might have fallen asleep during the first 5 minutes of the movie. But it was perfect. An evening together enjoying each other’s company and just being. Us. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Macy - February 5, 2011 - 10:50 am

I love this:)