Pillow Talk

Jake has talked in his sleep for as long as I’ve known him. Even before, actually. I’d heard all the stories of him sleep walking when he was younger. I’d experienced it in college when we would talk on the phone late into the night and he would drift off, suddenly babbling hilarious and incomprehensible things. And let’s not forget the one time during a family vacation when he sat up and yelled at my brother, in his sleep, for messing with him while he rested on the couch. Needless to say he had no idea why my brother apologized the next morning.

I’ve always thought his sleep talking antics were pretty comical. And really, for the most part they are. Particularly when he wakes up just enough to realize that I’m laughing hysterically at what he’s saying, but as frustrated as he might be while trying to talk, he’s still too tired to make sense.

This weekend, however, was a different story. He crossed a line. Asleep or not, he took it much too far. HE STOLE MY PILLOW.

I woke up to a tugging under my head. I don’t know what time it was, I didn’t bother looking at the clock.  But suddenly I became aware of the fact that my head was being jerked around. I shot straight up, alarmed that something bad was happening. (And indeed it was.) After a few seconds of scanning the room, I turned and looked at Jake. Had I not just woken out of a deep sleep, I probably would have laughed. Because my lovely slumber had been interrupted, though, it was not funny. At all. He was sitting up, looking at me quite bewildered, my pillow clutched to his chest. His face was turned up in question, as if he was saying Why do YOU have this?? That’s when I got angry. WHY did I have it?? Because it was MY PILLOW!

I snatched it from him, pointed directly at the pillow behind him, and said “THAT is your pillow. This is MY pillow!!” Oh yes, I told him how it was. I almost added in a waving finger and a “honey boo boo child.” Desperate times call for desperate measures. He’s just lucky I didn’t pull a hulk and turn all green and muscle-y.

Fortunately, we both slept soundly the rest of the night. But I’m pretty sure his awake self and his asleep self now know… don’t mess with my pillow.

Jeremiah Ragsdale - April 10, 2012 - 8:42 am

Bahahaha That’s fantastic.

I mean terrible. That’s terrible.

*straight face*

Rebecca - April 10, 2012 - 8:57 am

LOL. My husband does the same thing! He also tries to smoother me with blankets. Since he is ALWAYS cold I must be too so in his sleep he will try to mummify me with the blankets and I always wake up to him “tucking” me in. We now sleep with seperate blankets:)

Roni - August 16, 2012 - 11:16 am

This was too funny, cuz it reminds me of what tim does when we sleep, he knows now that its our bed but its my pillow and my blanket and back off. Its been very comical some nights.