Baby Bear’s Porridge

He likes it to be cold. I mean really cold. I think that if I agreed to it, Jake would keep the house temperature at about 63 degrees. I know right?! FREEZING! I prefer a cozy 70 degrees. Not too hot or too cold. Juuuust right, like baby bear’s porridge. Or the oatmeal I had for breakfast.

The oatmeal and two cups of coffee that I needed so I would warm up because it’s only 56 DEGREES in this house. We leave the windows open at night to cool the house down with the summer mountain air, but now that fall is rapidly approaching, it might be time to, well, to not. Although I’m sure Jake will have a differing opinion. And we’ll sit down and have an adult conversation about it (which will include me giving my puppy dog eyes and bribes of actually cooking dinner, both of which will have no affect), and he’ll eventually convince me to hang in there for a few more weeks. Because that’s what marriage is about, right? Compromise? Ok, yes, it might also be for the Get Out of Dinner Free card. Because the next time he asks what’s for dinner, I can remind him that WE STILL LEAVE THE WINDOWS OPEN.

Happy Weekend : )

Oreos and Sweet Sauce

I looked at the calendar this morning and realized there are only two days left in August. Only TWO DAYS. Where did this year go?! IT’S ALMOST OVER!!!

Ok, sorry for being so dramatic. Clearly it’s not that over. But it’s far enough into the year that I decided to take a look at my 2011 goals and see how I was doing. A big one that stuck out to me was “Better Define My Style.” And as I look back over all that’s happened this year, I’m really happy to say I think I’ve got that one pretty covered. I finally developed two simple actions in Lightroom that I run over all my images. I named them Sweet Sauce (for colored photos) and Oreo (for black and white photos). Thought those names went along nicely with Dulce. Haha. Anyways, my absolute main goal is to keep my editing consistent and natural, and I think these actions have helped me do just that.

It definitely hasn’t always been that way, though… Oh yeah. It’s about to get extremely real up in here. Since I started two years ago, my editing went through a few different stages to get to the place it is now. And with the risk of being totally vulnerable (like, feeling as though I’m standing on a stage in my underwear vulnerable), I thought I’d share, in case anyone out there is struggling with defining their style.

Stage one: I like to think of this as the Over Eager and Over Processed Stage. Haha. I was just starting out, and Photoshop and Lightroom were new and exciting tools. Let’s just say I went a little overboard in my editing. I pushed the blacks in my pictures a ton, and I would mess with the contrast so much that the colors were super bright. Very unrealistic. And my black and white photos were so contrasted that there were hardly any grays. They were almost pure black and white. Yikessss. Fortunately this stage didn’t last super long!

These two photos are from my very first two weddings. I will be forever grateful to Cindy and Bill and Marie and Charles for trusting me and allowing me to get my feet wet!! But I gotta say you guys, I’m sorry for the harsh editing!

Stage two: This one could probably be called the Experimental Stage. Once I realized there was more to editing than just pushing the contrast and blacks, I started to play. I felt like there were so many options, so many different emotions I could draw from the way I edited. I sometimes added tints to my photos, sometimes textures, trying to get a vintage look, and I would also add a sepia tone to my black and whites. (Not to say that sepia or vintage edits are a bad thing! There are some amazing photographers who I admire a lot that do these kind of edits. I don’t mean to discourage anyone from it if that’s what you love. I just didn’t do them very well… Ha.) I look back at those photos and they seem really dated. In a bad way. In a hammer pants and moon boots kind of way. This stage lasted a little longer, but I figured out pretty quickly that I wasn’t happy with them.

This is my brother and sister in-law. I love these photos of them, just not how I edited them! Lol.

At the time I thought the vintagey coloring of this photo from Kara and Zach’s wedding was so awesome because it matched the theme of the old ice cream parlor. Now, maybe not so much ; ) 

Stage three: I’d title this stage the Close But No Cigar Stage. I realized that I wanted a more natural look to my images, and started heading in the right direction. But my black and whites were still a little too contrasty for my taste now. And I would add too many small tweaks to a picture. It was taking me almost an hour to edit around 25 pictures. That is WAY TOO LONG. I would open every image in photoshop and make small adjustments in multiple layers. In the Levels, in the Channel Mixer, in the Hue and Saturation, sometimes even in Selective Color, etc. Even though the changes I was making were very small and didn’t necessarily take away from the natural feel of the photograph, I was doing far too many extraneous edits and wasting my time.

Beautiful Sarah! I’m happy with how these look, but I remember it taking so long to get them this way…

I lurrrve this couple. Joe and Jess are awesome! But looking back I’d soften the contrast on this photo a bit. 

Stage four: Oreos and Sweet Sauce. I finally figured out that the best and most important thing I could do for my photography was take a great image straight out of the camera. Sweet Sauce only makes very subtle changes to my photographs, and gives them a little bit of Dulce flair. At least I’d like to think so : ) But even then, sometimes I decide to take it off, because I reached my aspiration of creating a photo that is exactly genuine to the way I saw it when I took it. That’s the best feeling : ) And while Oreo obviously makes a bigger change to my images (going from color to b&w), I strive for a very organic feeling in my black and whites. Almost film-like, if I may be so bold. When everything is said and done, though, my aim is to have a consistent body of work and photos won’t seem totally dated 10, 20, even 30 years down the road. I’m still working on it, don’t get me wrong. But I think I’ve discovered a pretty good thing, and I’m going to stick with it!

So I guess the point of this post was to simply say, if you’re at a point where you feel overwhelmed by all the options and directions you can take your photography, hang in there! I definitely went through it, and I think everyone who is starting out does. Am I saying that my way is the right way? Absolutely not. This is just my take on my own photography, and how I got where I am. But if you’re struggling, just give it time and do your thing! Figure out what is YOU, and how to portray it in your photographs, and you’ll rock it : )

Aaaaand now I feel the need to go eat some oreos….


This week I got an iPhone. Her name is Delilah.

I’m not announcing this to brag. Honest, I’m not. It’s actually more of a warning…. Let me explain.

My Blackberry died earlier this week. I loved that little guy. I really did. He was good to me. But we were starting to grow apart. While he enjoyed long walks on the beach and reading grand novels on rainy afternoons, I wanted to splash in the ocean and dance in the rain. So when he finally quit kicking this week, I knew I needed a change. And Delilah? She’s just the change I’ve been looking for. Quick, lively, fun-spirited, and most importantly, she’s got INSTAGRAM. Did we just become best friends? Yep.

Here’s where the warning comes in. I feel the need to apologize in advance for all the Instagram photos that will now be appearing. There is a good chance I will be taking a ridiculous amount of photos on my iPhone and posting them. Everywhere. On here. On Twitter. On Facebook… I will try to contain myself, but I make no promises. Hope you don’t mind! Here’s to the best app ever made (although Cut the Rope is a close competitor):

Mountains of Park City.

The four stages of Bruschetta.

A lovely rug and a lovely sky.

Homemade pizza. Deliciousness.


Oh you know, just me and my dogs.

And probably my favorite thus far. Who knew the side of a kleenex box could be so pretty?

Happy Weekend!!

P.S. if you’re on instagram, let me know your user name! I’d love to follow you : )



In March I blogged about wanting to run a marathon. It’s funny, that seems like forever ago. But this past weekend was the marathon. And it went a little differently than I had envisioned.

I went into thinking… well, not thinking that it would be easy. But I had no idea just how hard it would be. I know I could have trained better. I ran into some unexpected obstacles this summer that set me back, and I made some excuses. I’ve always been fairly athletically inclined, though, and I’m used to succeeding when I put my mind to something. So I underestimated it.

My goal was simple: to run the whole thing. I didn’t want to walk. And if I’m being honest, I had a time in my head, too. A time that was attainable if I did run the entire course. As I’m sure you’ve guessed, though, I didn’t run the whole thing. Have you ever had those days when you just feel good, when you feel like you could run forever? Well Saturday was definitely not one of those days for me. I ran until mile 13, and then I bonked. Hard. I hit a wall, and never pushed through.

I did finish. But I finished almost an entire hour later than I had hoped.

Part of me wants to be disappointed. Part of me is ashamed of how slowly I did it. How difficult could it be to keep jogging, even at a slow pace? Apparently a lot harder than I gave it credit for. I guess I’m just not used to failing to reach my goals… A trend that is starting to become more common in my endeavors.

This is where Jake comes in and shakes me silly to knock some sense into me. (Figuratively, of course.) When something I try to doesn’t turn out exactly right, he points out all the good things that came of it. When I talk about how far I still want to go and how it feels like I’ll never get there, he reminds me of how far I’ve come. And when I want to be disappointed in myself and embarrassed to admit that it took me 5 hours and 11 minutes to finish a marathon, he tells me that he’s proud of me because I did finished, I didn’t quit, even though I wanted to. (Many times. Haha.)

I’m slowly starting to learn that my best is enough. Things might not turn out exactly how I want them too, as fast or as glamorous as I expect. But when I am discouraged by it, the only person I’m letting down is myself. Jake, my parents, my family and my closest friends, the people that mean the world to me, they’re all proud. And that’s what matters most.

My mom took this picture of us. Mile 16, the last big incline of course, Jake jumped in to help me make it through. I’m pretty sure that was the only time I smiled during the whole race. Haha. But I wanted to say thank you, to my mom, to Chris, to Alyssa and Michelle and my dad, and everyone else who supported me through this. And especially thank you to Jake. I honestly couldn’t have done it without you. I love you all.

Here’s to succeeding, even if it’s a little differently than you planned.


Joe Nicholls - August 23, 2011 - 8:46 am

I’m really proud of you. It’s a huge accomplishment, and God provided the people and desire to help you through it. Congrats.

Melissa - August 23, 2011 - 9:13 am

You are so great…and a fabulous runner! Thank for this post, though…it’s finals week for me and this was definitely something I needed to read as I take test after test. :)

David Terry - August 23, 2011 - 11:28 am

If you never fail at something … then you’re just not trying hard enough! In other words, if your goals are so easy that you never fail … then you’re not growing. Keep up the good work. Five hours is nothing at all to be ashamed of! My first marathon was 4:41 (the July 24th Deseret News run which is killer for the heat and the altitude change). My best was 3:51 (St George is absolutely the best). Logan in the fall is beautiful. As is Ogden in the spring time. Set your sights on a new goal and keep on going! :)

mom - August 23, 2011 - 12:32 pm

We are SO PROUD of you!! And we love you both SO MUCH!! ~ Dad & Mom

Whitney - August 23, 2011 - 4:59 pm

Way to go Chev! We just ran a half and I had to stop and walk a couple times. So you running 13 straight is a serious accomplishment. And then running another 13.2–you go girl! Maybe someday I can scratch a marathon off of my bucket list as well. P.S. I LOVE your blog!

kelli - August 29, 2011 - 8:53 pm

I adore this picture, and I’m so proud of you for finishing!! You’re awesome!

Carissa - September 3, 2011 - 8:18 am

Thank you so so much you guys!! xoxo

Friday Fun Facts

I have a collection. Of bowls. Around my desk.

It’s probably not what you’re thinking. It’s not some sort of awesome collection of hand-made and painted bowls from Egypt to add a level of artwork and sophistication…

They’re old cereal bowls. My old cereal bowls.

I’m not proud of it. And I don’t mean to leave them there. I really don’t. But I feel like it’s inevitable. I mean, when you have someone who’s obsessed with cereal and has tunnel vision like I do, it’s bound to happen. When I bring my bowl of cereal up to my computer to work and eat, I have every intention of bringing it back down when I finish. The problem is, by the time I’m done at the computer, I’ve been done eating for such a long time, and I’ve been so focused on whatever I’ve been working on, that I completely forget there’s a bowl at the corner of my desk. And then two bowls, and then four bowls stacked on top of each other, etc.

Sadly, they end up sitting there either until they become so many that they start encroaching my space and I’m forced to move them, or until Jake simply gets sick of looking at them. I prefer the latter. Fortunately, that’s what normally happens. And when he gives me a hard time for leaving them out, I just remind him that HE proposed to ME, so he’s stuck with me ; )

This month’s Friday Fun Facts!

1. Just because something is vegan does not mean it’s healthy. Totally ruined my day when I realized vegan chocolate cake is just about as bad for you as regular chocolate cake is…

2. Snap Boogie should be this year’s America’s Got Talent winner.

3. Speaking of TV, how great does New Girl look?! (I might have had a crush on Zooey Deschanel ever since Elf.)

4. Facebook failed yet again when they decided to automatically turn all : ) into :). Anyone else as majorly annoyed by those big yellow faces as I am?

5. Sometimes I speculate about how great it would be if we were all bald. Seriously, think about it. All the hours would be saved if we didn’t have to do our hair….

6. Larabars are the best thing that happened since Fruit Leather.

7. If you’re suddenly hit with the strong desire to make some real homemade lemonade, the heavier lemons hold more juice, not the bigger ones. So look for the heavy ones.

8. I’ll be attempting not to die running my very first marathon tomorrow. If you feel like sending up a few prayers of encouragement, they’d be much appreciated!

And since you’re all dying to know what I ate for my pre-marathon meal tonight, I took a picture of it. (More like I couldn’t think of anything else to take a picture of, and I wanted to show Jake because he was at work and I made this all by myself. Minus the broccoli. My friend Christine did those. I swear I’ll learn how to cook someday…)

Lemon Herb Chicken on top of spaghetti sauce and quinoa noodles with steamed broccoli and some cheese sprinkled on top! Yum. And on that note, I’m off to get some zzz’s.

Hope everyone has a great weekend : )