Friday Fun Facts

If I had to list two things I can’t live without, it would be music and candles.

Ok, that might be a bit of an exaggeration. Obviously there are a few things that would come first. Oh you know, like air, and food, and water. Jake is pretty high up there, too. But for the sake of this post, we’ll just stick with music and candles. I say music because, let’s be honest, who doesn’t like to think of their life as long and drawn out movie? And the music we listen to is like the soundtrack of our lives. (Oh, that’s just me?) ANYWAYS. Basically, I’m not a huge fan of complete silence and music is the perfect inspiration sometimes.

And candles because I love beautiful scents filling up the house. There’s nothing like coming home to the smell of Clean Cotton on a summer afternoon. Or Lavender Vanilla during a spring shower. Or Pomegranate Cider on a crisp fall day. Or Red Apple Wreath on a blustery winter evening. (Clearly I have this down to a science.) But while I was in Minnesota last week, my lovely sister-in-law introduced me to a new way type of fragrance: Wall Flowers from Bath and Body Works. This is the first week I’m trying them out, but so far I am loving it. They could become my new go-to house smellers. (Totally just made that up.) Now the only dilemma is choosing what scents to go with each season… Which leads us to this month’s Fun Facts!

1. Wall Flowers are a thing of beauty. For your nose, that is.

2. As an extensive list maker, I’m not sure what I find more convenient… Actual sticky notes, or the sticky notes widget on my Mac.

3. Gluten-free italian food lovers rejoice! In case you didn’t know, Biaggi’s has an extensive gluten free menu with delicious pastas and pizzas. They even bring out gluten free bread as an appetizer. Winning. (This may be old news to some of you, but I just recently found out and I am quite excited about it.)

4. Moving is an excellent way to make your house clutter free and downsize on pack-rat issues.

5. Since when did Samoas (greatest cookie ever) become Caramel deLights? (Talk about a cheesy name.) They will forever be Samoas in my mind.

6. A perfect example of Murphy’s Law: there always seems to be plenty of things you’d like to buy when you’re not actually shopping, but when you’re on the hunt for something, it’s almost impossible to find.

7. If you have an electric toothbrush, forgetting your charger on a trip puts a real damper on the whole brushing your teeth thing.

8. Bandanas are a great accent to any dog.

Or maybe I just missed my dogs a lot and I think they look adorable with bandanas on. One of the two.

(Ok, so Frisky doesn’t currently have a bandana on, but he’s still pretty cute.)

Happy Weekend!!


A Whirlwind Week

I woke up this morning and blinked a few times, trying to figure out where I was. I had been in one of those deep sleeps that makes you feel all distorted and confused when you finally drift out of your dreams. I could hear voices mumbling softly outside the bedroom door, and looked up at the bare wooded ceiling above me. That’s when I remembered… I was in Minnesota at my grandma’s house. I smiled and got up to get some breakfast.

The past week has been a total whirlwind of decorating, last minute planning, early mornings and late nights, and lots of coffee, as the week before a wedding normally is. But I mean all of that in the best way possible. I got up for a 6am flight on Memorial Day to flight to fly out to Minnesota and help my wonderful cousin Samantha get ready to marry her boyfriend of about 4 years on Saturday. I also had the honor of documenting their beautiful wedding. It was extra special, though, having been a part of the planning process and helping Samantha create the wedding she envisioned. Then to see it all come together on Saturday was such an amazing experience. I can’t wait to share those images!

In the meantime, though, here are few instagrams from the last week.

Hope everyone has a lovely Monday!

Salt Lake City Wedding: Andrea + Rocky

Earlier this month I got a message asking if I was available to shoot a wedding… THE NEXT DAY. Andrea didn’t intend on having a photographer because they had planned a very small and simple civil ceremony at the city hall. But one of her close friends (who also happens to be named Andrea), decided she needed a photographer and contacted me as a wedding present. Ummm, awesome present, if you ask me! Well done, Andrea ;)

So, with just a handful of their family and closest friends, Andrea and Rocky vowed to cherish each other every day for the rest of their lives, and fortunately, I was able to document it. Enjoy a few of my favorites from this lovely couple’s day!!

Rocky and Andrea had chosen not to see each other at all that morning until they arrived at the city hall, and when I found that out, I recommended a first look before they headed inside. They were totally game for it, and I’m SO glad they were :)

This right here? This is why I love first looks. 

After a very quick first look we headed inside!

Andrea’s family couldn’t make it, so they were on skype the whole time watching!

They were SO adorably happy.

Rice exit :)

Then later that evening we headed to Memory Grove for a few more photos.

Love this.

Let’s be honest, you guys are one smoking couple!

I loved the way Rocky smiled at Andrea. He was so happy he could hardly contain it :)

SO cute.

These next ones make me happy.

Congratulations again Andrea and Rocky!! You guys are beautiful together. And another thanks to the other Andrea for getting in touch with me and giving them such a sweet gift!! I’m so glad it worked out :)

Happy Wednesday!

Andrea Zalaquett - May 23, 2012 - 2:38 pm

Thank you very much Carissa!! your work is just wonderful!!!
you rock!!!

Javier Eskenazi - May 24, 2012 - 11:08 am

Great pics!
Andreita you look VERY beautiful!!!

Andrea Zavala - May 25, 2012 - 8:25 pm

I gotta say when I saw the pictures I almost started crying!! You did a marvelous job Carissa.. You captured the love and happiness between them. So happy.. I’m so smart!! Hahaha

Park City Anytime: The Keens

Where to even start with these guys… If you’ve followed my blog for any span of time, you’ll probably recognize this precious family. I first photographed them in 2010, and have since been able to document Macy and Eric’s two little boys grow, as well as witness their family grow from four to five. To say they have a special place in my heart is to state the obvious.

This photo shoot was bitter sweet, though. You see, the Keens are moving away in just a couple short months. And while I’m excited for them and this new chapter in their lives, I’m also very sad to see them go… I will miss those sweet smiles and all the fun laughter! (And a few tears, too. Haha.) But I’m so glad we were able to slip in one last shoot before they leave. It was a great note to end on :) Enjoy some of my favorites of this beautiful family!!!


Macy and Eric, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for entrusting me with the honor of documenting your darling boys and the growth of your family these last two years! It has been such a blessing getting to know your family, and you will be greatly missed. But I hope you know if you ever want me to come to Toronto and take some pictures, I’ll be there in a heart beat ;) Much love!!!

mom - May 21, 2012 - 1:03 pm


Wedding Wednesday: DIY Cupcake Poms

For today’s Wedding Wednesday I have a fun little DIY project: Cupcake Poms!! Well, ok, I don’t know if that’s what they’re actually called, as I didn’t think this idea up on my own. I actually saw it on Pinterest, but when I went the original website it was in a different langauge. It looked so lovely and easy to make, though, that I thought I’d try it myself! And here are the results…

See?! Lovely, right?? Here’s the scoop on how to make them. For supplies you need a hot glue gun and glue sticks, a foam ball, cupcake wrappers, and sewing pins (make sure they have heads on them).

Poke the pin through the inside center of the cupcake wrapper. (This is why it needs a head, so that it stays in the wrapper.) A little tip, I would suggest getting pins a color that will match the colors of your wrappers, as they show through sometimes. For the colors I chose (white and pink), the pearl pins were perfect.

Once the pin is through, hold onto it and pull the wrapper back. You don’t have to be very gentle, but make sure to hold the pin head so it doesn’t rip through the wrapper. (I did that a few times.) 

Next, place a drop of glue right where the pin comes out. 

Once the glue is on, quickly push the pin and wrapper into the foam ball, making sure to push the pin all the way into the ball. A lot of the time it felt like it went in, but if I opened the wrapper a little I could see that it really hadn’t. So check it and push it all the way down if needed to be sure it doesn’t fall out. Although be careful not to burn yourself on this step… (I only did twice, which isn’t bad for someone who is somewhat craft challenged.)

Then just have at it! You don’t need to place the pins super tight because the wrappers cover a bit and you can play with them a little to shape them. For the two that I made, I got large white wrappers and regular pink wrappers. On the bigger foam ball I used mostly the white wrappers, with a few pink ones interspersed, and then all pink ones for the smaller foam ball.

And here is what they look like all finished.

(Oh and please excuse the cupcake decorating. I’m clearly not a baker, and as I found out this morning I don’t have the patience to be one, either. Ha.)

If I’m being totally honest, these were a little more challenging to make than I thought they would be. It definitely took me a while to get the hang of it. But by the end I was moving pretty fast! Just don’t expect to be able to whip one of these babies out in 15 minutes ;) Hope this inspires some of you!! And if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. Happy Wednesday!