Heber Newborn Session: Baby Micah

David and Susan had been trying to adopt for many years. But after long and painful periods of waiting as well as some difficult life circumstances, their resolve had subsided, and they accepted the fact that raising a child most likely wouldn’t be a part of their future. As Susan put it, God would basically have to drop a baby on their doorstep if it was meant to be… And that’s exactly what happened.

They found out about Micah just under a month before he was born. After a whirlwind of events and a few short weeks later, they entered the hospital with an empty car seat, and came out with a full one. It’s truly a miracle, and it couldn’t have happened to a more deserving couple! They might not have known that Micah even existed until just before he was born, but it’s safe to say that precious boy is now their entire lives. And just as they are blessed to have little Micah, he is also blessed to have them as parents! If you ask me, life doesn’t get much more beautiful than that.

I need to add in a little personal note here. This is a very special session to me. David and Susan are some of the kindest and big-hearted people that I know! Susan threw me an incredible baby shower towards the beginning of September, simply because she was so happy for me and wanted to celebrate my baby girl. She worked so hard to make it exactly what I wanted, even though she would never have baby or get a shower of her own. Or so she thought ;) Little did we know that a month later she would be getting her baby boy!!!! (You better believe I did my best to help her have an incredible baby shower, too!) We have grown very close going through this awesome time together. And another cool side note, Micah and Natalie actually had the exact same due date! They ended up being born 8 days apart, but still pretty awesome none the less :) Please enjoy a few of my favorites from this sweet, sweet family’s newborn session! 


Rebecca - December 23, 2013 - 3:32 pm

I absolutely love this! Before I even read your blog post somehow I knew this was going to be one of those miracle stories! We were blessed with our little miracle two years ago. From one mother in waiting to another – Congrats to this beautiful family!

Anne Wild - December 24, 2013 - 11:22 am

We are so happy for Susan and David. He is beautiful and is so lucky to have you as parents. As one adopted mom to another, I know the blessings he gives back are more amazing than you can have ever imagined.

We found out about our little Gunnar a month before he was due as well. Nothing like a one-month pregnancy! But, the rush was worth it!

Love you guys!