Happy Meals and Tattle Tales

As an 8 year old, it’s probably best not to go around swearing up a storm. As a pastor’s daughter, it’s most likely a bad idea to run around with a foul mouth. As an 8 year old pastor’s daughter in church on Sunday complaining about not getting a McDonald’s Happy Meal for lunch, it’s definitely not smart.

Oh but don’t worry internet. I DID.

The first time I ever swore was in church. And yes, it was over a Happy Meal. Not my proudest moment. To be honest, I don’t really think I knew I was swearing when it happened. I probably just heard it on TV. So when I asked my brother if delicious, golden chicken nuggets were in my future and the response was no, it seemed appropriate.

After it slipped out, time slowed down. Like in A Christmas Story, when Ralphie drops the lug nuts while helping his father change a flat tire, and simultaneously drops the f bomb… My brother’s eyes got really big. We blinked at each other for a couple seconds. Then he got a little holier-than-thou on me. Don’t ever say that again! Do you know what that word means? Carissa, we’re in church! Blah, blah, blah… etc. Needless to say, I was mortified. When he was done with his rant, I turned, tears streaming down my face, and ran to the bathroom. I’m not sure how long I stayed there. It felt like hours. Which means it was probably like 10 minutes. But I slowly emerged, terrified of what my parents would do.

They didn’t do anything. They didn’t even seem aware of what had just happened. As I looked around to find my brother, it became apparent that he hadn’t told them. I was shocked. I had thought that he would tattle on me without a doubt. Normally he would use any single thing he could find to get me in trouble. (Although I shouldn’t point fingers. I mean, I did the exact same thing. Sibling rivalry.) But this time he didn’t. I think he realized that my shame and embarrassment was enough punishment. And while I never got my hands on those crispy nuggets, I learned that day that my brother had my back. That was way better anyways.


And yes, I realize that Mrs. Butterworth’s syrup has absolutely nothing to do with this post. But Jake made breakfast burritos this morning, and I just love syrup : )

Happy Weekend!

mom - April 9, 2011 - 9:17 pm
