A Place to Call Home

After two years of searching, countless walk-throughs, a few unsuccessful offers, many a sleepless night, and loads of prayer, we finally found it… Our home!!

We’d been renting since we got married. Which isn’t a bad thing, don’t get me wrong. But we were ready to own. And while we loved the two houses we lived in and we were grateful that we could wait until we found the right one to buy, it was hard to be patient. Still, we waited. And hunted. And researched. And hunted some more. Until we found it. This home.

And now, even though I’ve been dying to share since the day accepted our offer, I can officially say it: We are home owners!! Sure, moving during the dead of winter in Park City was a little brutal. And being without internet for a week (yes, SEVEN DAYS) wreaked havoc on my social media upkeep. But thanks to a ton of help from our families, we are finally all moved in. And I can hardly believe God has blessed us with this awesome house. With this place to call home.

My dad came to drop off a snowblower over the weekend while we were busy moving, and I ran out with my camera to have him snap a photo, so that we could remember this crazy move forever :)

Talia - February 1, 2013 - 1:05 pm

Congratulations!!!!! It’s beautiful! And looks spacious! :) hugs!

Christine - February 1, 2013 - 1:44 pm

Looks lovely! More pics please! :)

Celia - February 1, 2013 - 5:12 pm

Beautiful – so happy for you both!!