West Jordan Anytime: The Thompson Family

When Lisa messaged me about taking some family pictures for them, I was thrilled! They live in California, but were visiting for a bit during Christmas and we were able to squeeze in their session during the busyness of the holidays. Can I just say, this family is SO precious!! Mike and Lisa are absolutely fabulous together. And their kids are completely adorable.  Noah is a little stud, not to mention hilarious. I was constantly laughing at his witty remarks! And Amelia? She had me at the flower headband. We met on a brisky Sunday morning a few days before they left. Unfortunately, it was a little too chilly out, and Lisa and Mike didn’t want little Amelia in the cold for a long period of time. Fortunately, they were staying at the home of Lisa’s parents, and it had an abundance of windows. Which meant some lovely natural light. And I love me some natural light : ) Meet the Thompsons!

Such a beautiful family!

Amelia has some of the funniest expressions.

Case in point. Haha. I love this photo.

Noah did this on his own accord. He is such a sweet big brother!

I just lurrrved Amelia’s headband…

Like I said, stud.

Meet the parents : )

Santa brought Noah something shiny and red for Christmas that he was soooo excited about, we just had to get a few shots of it…

I love these next ones.

These too.

Once again, Noah got down by his sister without being asked and was super sweet to her…

Just too cute for words!

For the last little bit, we headed outside for a change of pace and got a few shots of just Mike and Lisa.

I adore how in love they are…

I’ll end on this family photo, because it makes me smile : )