Running with the Big Dogs

Ever since we got the pups, Frisky has had to put up with a lot. Because really, when you’re an old man and all you want to do is sleep, get pets on the head, and eat, dealing with two German Shepherd puppies is quite a handful. When they were smaller than him, he still reigned supreme because they were intimidated by him. But as soon as they realized they were bigger, well, now they just like to mess with him. And as they paw at him, tails wagging and yipping loudly, he nips at them and then looks back at me like Seriously?! I seriously have to put up with this?! 

But I think he secretly loves it. I mean, yes, they annoy him at times, but I think he secretly loves being a pack dog. He loves running around outside together making mischief. And if anyone were ever to try breaking and entering, watch out. You’d have to deal with two big dogs AND a little one. Extra scary. He’s a tough dog now. He runs with the big dogs.

Just don’t ask him about it. He’d never admit it…