Hello Spring!

After a looooong winter, it looks like Spring might finally be here! And a beautiful one at that. Jake and my mom and I went on our first hike of the season yesterday, and it was perfection. Utter perfection. Well, minus the slightly tender feet afterwards (we were maybe a little too ambitious for the first hike in 6 months), and the wicked sunburn Jake and I accumulated (at least once every spring you get a nice reminder of how strong the sun is). Gotta remember the SPF. Yeah, with all the running and hiking that’s going to happen this summer, I’m going to have the most awesome sock tan you’ve ever seen. Be jealous.

Another great thing about hiking? It tires out the pups. They LOVE it, and they are absolutely tuckered out when we get home. They were so tired from the hike yesterday that they didn’t wake us up this morning. I slept in until 9:15… Yep, NINE FIFTEEN! That never happens. But I could definitely get used it ; )

Jake snapped this on his iPhone while we were out. It makes me smile.


Happy Spring!!