Happy Birthday, Jake

As I am typing, Jake is laying on the couch downstairs playing Fifa and digesting some delicious blueberry muffins. I thought he would be playing with the new remote control helicopter I got him for his birthday, but sadly, I must have picked the only faulty one in the store. We’ll have to go get a new one. His birthday has gone a little differently than I had hoped… I had these big plans. I was going to go all out and make today extra special. As special as possible. Complete balloons, streamers, breakfast in bed, those party whistles that uncurl when you blow them, and a clown named Dave. (Ok, maybe not the clown.) I mean, it’s Jake’s birthday!! The thing is, it’s not just his birthday. It’s the first of his birthdays that we’ll celebrate MARRIED. I wanted to make this his best birthday yet. One we’ll never forget.

We were going to start the celebrations yesterday with a day of skiing and dinner with a friend. But Jake woke up sick yesterday. Skiing turned into lounging on the couch together catching up on The Biggest Loser all morning (which I can’t complain about). And we did have a nice, mellow dinner. This morning, though, Jake woke up even sicker.

I felt awful, listening to him cough and knowing there was nothing I could do. I figured his birthday was pretty much shot. But when I asked him what he wanted for breakfast, he responded with an enthusiastic Blueberry muffins! Jake loves blueberry muffins. No, wait. Let me rephrase that. Jake LOVES blueberry muffins. And as I was mixing the batter this morning, I realized that, had we switched positions and I was sick on my birthday, I would be happy as a clam laying on the couch while Jake made me my favorite breakfast. Knowing that there is nothing on the agenda for the day except being together, well, that sounds like a perfect birthday to me.

Jake… even though your birthday isn’t quite turning out how I had planned, I still hope it’s one of your best birthday’s yet. Thanks for being the blueberry to my muffin, and for pushing me to be the best person I can be. I love you so much and I am so thankful that God has blessed me with another year in your life. Happy Birthday, Roo. You’ll always be my favorite.