Keep Chasing

It’s interesting how the weather can affect mood and emotions. Like waking up to warm sunlight gleaming through the window shades, inviting you to get out of bed and start your day ready to conquer the world. Or like when I woke up this morning, thinking through the list of things to get done today and feeling confident, until I looked out the window and saw the rain drizzling down from the grumpy looking clouds in the pewter gray sky. And all I wanted to do in that moment was crawl back in bed and pull the covers up snugly underneath my chin.

Fortunately, I stayed strong and didn’t hunker back down into the beckoning pillows, which, if you know me is a big feat in and of itself. (Sleep, you guys, ranks higher on my list than wine and dark chocolate. In other words, really high.) I might not get everything on that list done today, but hey, half the battle is getting up and getting after it! So if you’re like me and need a little extra motivation at times, know you’re not alone. We’re all in this together. And we’re doing alright.


Here’s to this weekend, let’s go kick some butt <3