Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

A mere 5 days ago I didn’t know that St. Patrick’s Day was this week. I’ll be honest, I didn’t even realize it was this month. I thought it was in May or something. Kind of embarrassing. Why, am I so clueless, you ask? I BLAME IT ON SCHOOL.

No. Seriously.  Because at school they give you an agenda that has all the important dates and holidays marked. When you’re in elementary school they decorate the classrooms and have parties and the teachers leave signs of a visit from leprechauns (usually in the form of green glitter). When you’re in college they decorate the student center and serve special green drinks at the school coffee shop (at least, they did at my school.) And no matter what age you are, ALL THE STUDENTS WEAR GREEN. School becomes a huge, winding, and seemingly never-ending sea of green. If you do happen to be the poor soul that forgot to wear green, you’ll have bruises the next day to pay for it. No, I never forgot it was St. Patrick’s Day in school.

Now, however, I have no agenda to write my assignments in and remind me of holidays. I don’t have a class party, complete with green glitter, to attend. Or a green drink to enjoy from McConn. And I won’t have the repercussion of a million pinches if I don’t wear green. (That last one is iffy. You never know when a stranger might be in the holiday spirit. I think I’ll wear green to be safe.)  The only reason I figured it out this year is because my cousin ordered a giant 4 leaf clover cookie at lunch after church last Sunday. Like an idiot I was all Why do they have four leaf clover cookies?? It’s not like it’s St. Patrick’s Day! After blinking a few times, she died laughing and informed that St. Patrick’s Day is indeed this week… Embarrassing.

Fortunately, Frisky will be prepared! I spied a green dog sweater for sale the other day, and decided to snatch it. So he’s safe from pinches. (He also claims that green is his color, but that’s beside the point.) Unfortunately, though,  I underestimated his, um, size, if you will. Maybe it’s time for me to admit that Frisky is not as skinny as he used to be. He’s a tid bit pudgy…


Happy St. Patrick’s Day! : )