WPPI 2011 Recap

It’s actually been almost two weeks since WPPI ended for me. But I just got home on Sunday from Minnesota, and it’s amazing what being gone for a week and a half can do to your workload! I feel like I’ll be playing catch up for the next month. (This is probably a bit of an exaggeration. I guess I’m dramatic.)

BUT, I wanted to make a post about it, before I forget everything in the midst of all that I have to do. (You know, the stuff that will take me a month to catch up on.)

I don’t want to forget the open, honest, and heartfelt advice given at all the platform talks. I don’t want to forget fire it lit inside me. I don’t want to forget the inspiration. Not so much artistically, but more so about where I want my business go this year and how to get it there. Am I scared? Absolutely. I’m terrified of failing. But I’d rather try and fail and try again than not try at all. And I hope that when I look back at this post after next year’s WPPI, I can laugh at myself for being scared, and be proud of what I’ve accomplished.

Here’s just a snapshot of what went down this year! (Like a total noob I showed up super early to everything so I could get a good seat.)

[b]ecker talked about the ABC’s of success, and how important it is to have a brand that is true to who you are.


Jasmine Star talked about making your story truly your own, and not letting anyone else write it for you.


Motivational? I think yes. (J* did a short summarization that you can see here.)


And Kevin Kubota gave 12 tips on how to promote your business. I needed to hear them all.


I also had the opportunity to attend a talk by Nick of Spilled Milk Designs, put on by Showit. But there were only 20 people there and I didn’t want to be the creeper in the corner with a camera…. And of course the incredible morning that I had with Justin and Mary. I was able to chat with them one-on-one after the shoot and let’s just say I’m a better person for it!

First ever WPPI? Success. I can’t wait for all that’s in store this coming year : )


Janey - March 4, 2011 - 1:13 pm

Can’t wait to see what you do! :)